Welcome to Season Two!

Ivy League Challenge
We know that you are capable of getting into a world-class college.

But let’s be honest, the college admissions process looks daunting, and you have more questions than answers. Are you too young to be preparing for the next step? Which classes or activities will set you apart to an admissions counselor? Is beating the odds and getting accepted to a top-tier school even within your control?

At a time when you should feel excited about the future, you feel uncertain. You may even be doubting if you have what it takes.

We believe that the world needs every student to reach their full potential. College admittance shouldn’t hold you back.

That’s why Steve Gardner, an educator and Harvard graduate who's been in your shoes, designed The Ivy League Challenge. He has met with graduates, admissions counselors, and professors to identify the criteria used to select candidates. He's crafted a road map for success and can share it with you.


Taking the Ivy League Challenge is the strongest way to develop you for what’s ahead. Sign up for the waitlist and gain admittance when the next cohort opens. In this cohort, we will get to work identifying your theme and creating an impact project that will separate you from the field. By the time you’ve completed the course, you will be able to flex your unique strengths, demonstrate your history of success, and confidently get accepted to a school you used to think was out of reach.

Don’t miss out on your potential because competitive college admissions look daunting. Join the waitlist today!


Season two will be our most exciting yet.

Find out how the Ivy League Challenge can help master your mind and help you get into the most reputable universities in the world.

Take the Challenge Today!