Why students should do this during the summer

summer activities

Many students ask: “How should I spend my summer?”

It’s an important question that deserves a serious answer.

What ambitious teens in middle or high school should focus on during the summer


To discuss:

  1. The typical approach to summer plans, including common mistakes.
  2. The best way to spend your summer.

The typical approach to summer plans, including common mistakes. 


Different students approach their summer plans differently, and some common mistakes contradict other mistakes. 

Some people take their summers for granted. It might be easy to forget that other ambitious teens are taking the same rigorous classes as you and getting the same outstanding grades. Summer is the differentiator. 

Don’t waste the ENTIRE summer hanging out with friends, going to the beach, or relaxing.

Recovering from burnout is critical but shouldn’t last the entire summer.  



Other teens take the other extreme. They may spend the summer taking multiple extra classes or participating in expensive summer camps. 

We’ll get to the summer camps in a minute. But before you load up your summer with more classes that may burn you out, remember that admissions officers are not making admissions decisions based on who is the hardest working candidate. 

Taking extra classes might make your summer more… um… disciplined (actually, miserable), but with few exceptions, it is unlikely to help you stand out later on.

So about those summer camps…


If I participate in a flashy summer camp, would it give me a leg up in future college admissions?

Listen to this podcast and go to 0:55 to get that answered. The question is a good one, and the answer needs some nuance. It might surprise you. 



When should I start thinking about summer in terms of college prep?


Healthy college prep begins early. Many of the advantages you gain by starting early require you to be smart with your summers.


The best way to spend your summer


Many students and parents are often surprised about the best way to prepare for high school and college. 

In the world of college prep, common sense is not common practice, and the ‘little’ things are often the ‘big’ (most important) things.


While different students can execute an effective summer differently, the best summer activities demonstrate unusual initiative.

In other words, most students approved into a top-tier school have developed a proactive mindset and a bias for action. 



From starting your book to organizing the cleanup of graffiti on your school walls, to building an app or starting an initiative, there are as many great summer activities as there are great teens in the world (endless).

My podcast is full of interviews of teens like you who have shown the kind of initiative and wisdom that I’m describing here. 

While there is no single correct way to make good use of your summer, you should think through each of the following issues carefully.

To make the most of your summer: 

  • Remember, your future application will need to answer the questions “Who are you” and “Why does it matter?” Plan accordingly.
  • Show academic curiosity
  • Make a meaningful impact in your community
  • Be proactive instead of reactive (organize and lead something rather than join and then lead)
  • Depth & high quality is better than breadth & high quantity

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