YOU are the Role Model

I have a challenge for you; to help you begin a new habit you want to adopt, or lose a habit you'd love to ditch. Follow these two steps for the rest of the month (plus a bonus activity for when your will power dips low...)
  1. Decide the identity of the person you want to be (a healthy eater, an active person, a star student, etc.)
  2. Prove it to yourself with multiple wins

Once you have decided what kind of person you want to become, realize that you naturally will be showing the way to others and therefore will be a role model. So each day when you are faced with a choice, make the choice that you as the role model would make.  Each time you make the choice that the role model would make, you are proving your identity to yourself once again.

But while you are motivated to add or remove a habit, I want you to leverage the power of gratitude into this process, and make a list of 10 ways that your life and the world around you become better when you live your new identity and make choices accordingly. In other words, when you are tempted to eat junk food instead of the choice that the role model would make, the way you describe your situation will play a big role in how well you continue supporting your new identity. For example, instead of thinking "I really hate eating raw cucumbers, I wish I could have potato chips again!" switch your mindset to the list of things that focuses on how your choices are making your life and the world around you a better place, like "I love how making healthy choices gives me greater control over my body!" or "I really appreciate the miracle of my body and I'm so glad I can supply it with the healthy nutrients it needs to be in top shape."

Follow these simple steps and begin to develop the confidence that comes from making a choice and sticking with it. You got this!

Find out how the Ivy League Challenge can help master your mind and help you get into the most reputable universities in the world.

Take the Challenge Today!