A Fight for Girl's Education

How a high school student's new app will allow millions of teens to make a difference.

What is Happening?

132 Million 

Girls worldwide, are out of school (UNICEF, 2018)

6 Million 

Families in India do not send their daughters to school

Gender inequality and poverty

Main causes of the limitation in girls' education. There's a belief that educating girls is not as important as educating boys.

Meet Neela

In grade 5, Nilambera (Neela) learned that her friend Spandana would need to drop out of school due to family finances. Her family had enough tuition for only one child to attend school, and her brother was chosen even though he was not as studious as his sister. The unfairness was heartbreaking.


Neela’s family supported Spandana’s education, which completely changed the girl’s life. 

Seeing her succeed over the years

Neela realized that education was a great leveler for girls. 

What she witnessed really broke her heart, and she believed that “someday” she would graduate college and find a way to help solve that problem.

The Ivy League Challenge inspired her to begin taking action at 14 instead of waiting until she was 40. 

From Inspiration to Innovation

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